Periodontics on the Road Lewisham SE13

Sometimes the problems with dental hygiene are not caused directly by the teeth, but more by the structures that support them. More often than not, gums are the cause of many complications such as infections which leads to a lot of discomfort in the mouth.

Periodontics is the part of dentistry that specializes in these things, the supporting structures of teeth, as well as diseases and conditions which affect them.

Plaque (soft, sticky, bacteria infested film) and tartar (calculus) deposits build up on the teeth. Saliva contains calcium and other substances which help strengthen and protect the teeth, and while this is a good thing, it also means that calcium deposits build up on the teeth. These build ups allow bacteria to grow and thrive next to the gums.

A cleaning or ‘scale and polish’ involves removing the plaque and tartar build up on your teeth, and leaves the surfaces of the teeth clean and smooth so that bacteria are unable to stick to them and you have a better chance of keeping the teeth clean during your regular home care.

Our dentist will use special tools to gently remove these deposits without harming your teeth.

A standard clean includes:

  • Scaling to remove build up / deposits and smoothen the tooth surfaces
  • Polishing to make teeth shiny and smooth

A deep clean / deep scale and polish includes:

  • Scaling to remove build up / deposits and smoothen the tooth surfaces
  • Polishing to make teeth shiny and smooth
  • Root planning - typically used for those afflicted by periodontal problems (supporting structures of teeth, as well as diseases and conditions that affect them)

Early Signs of Gingivitis:

  • Inflamed Gums
  • Bad breath that won’t go away
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Tender or bleeding gums
  • Painful chewing
  • Loose teeth
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Receding gums or longer appearing teeth.